Online Courses

Online Courses

Online Courses will open June 23 however teacher availability and course work assessment will begin July 7.  All course work must be completed by July 28.

Students must have their own device, reliable internet access and will need to virtually check in twice per week with their instructor.

Aboriginal Studies 10/20/30 (5 credits each) - (No Pre-requisite for 10 level)  Students will study the historical, cultural and societal issues facing Aboriginal peoples in Canada.  Aboriginal Studies 30 can be used for entrance into some post-secondary programs.

Avid Readers 25 (3 credits) - (No Pre-requisite)  Students will read and reflect on at least 3 books from multiple genera.

CALM 20 (3 credits + 2 CTS credits) - (No Pre-requisite)  Students will analyze and develop behaviors and attitudes that contribute to student wellbeing, now and in the future.

Forensic Studies 25 & 35 (3 credits each) - (Pre-requisite Science 10 or 14)  Students will learn many of the techniques used in criminal investigations from a scientific point of view.

Learning Strategies 15/25/35 (5 credits each) - (No Pre-requisite)  Students will explore strategies and techniques to enhance their learning.

General Psychology 20 & Personal Psychology 20 (3 credits each) - (No Pre-requisite)  Students will study various approaches to understanding behavior and the psychological development of individuals.

Abnormal Psychology 35 & Experimental Psychology 30 (3 credits each) - (Pre-requisite: General or Personal Psychology 20) Students will explore human behavior from a scientific lens and learn about conditions that affect individuals in our society.  These courses can be used for entrance into some post-secondary programs.

World Geography 30 (3 credits) - (No Pre-requisite)  Students will study the landforms of the Earth and how humans impact the geography of our planet.  This course can be used for entrance into some post-secondary programs.

English 30-1/30-2 *NEW (5 credits) Diploma written in-person

Social 30-1/30-2 *NEW (5 credits) Diploma written in-person

Students completing online courses will have the opportunity to earn one credit for E-learning and Learning Management Systems, and three credits for Student-Centered Learning.